Maploom was part of a team led by the British Geological Survey that undertook a National (England and Wales) review of historic coastal change data that is being collected to support future coastal management decisions and the tools and techniques used to analyse the data.

Maploom’s role was to provide a demonstrator for a state-of-the-art coastal change management platform allowing visualisation of large and complex coastal change data via an online web map and to develop analysis and automated reporting tools that could be used by a wide range of users.

A number of report templates have been created allowing users to select an area on the map and to conduct real-time analysis on the coastal change data which is then delivered as an interactive report containing maps and summary statistics.

Ioannis Sofos (Co-Founder and CTO Maploom) noted that “Although many data platforms exist, most are there to support the viewing and download of data only. Maploom’s demonstrator shows we can be much more ambitious with these national data platforms and can embed analytics and reporting tools to unlock the data for a wider range of users”.